Sunday, November 22, 2009

$6.15 Feeds Two

It has been a busy day so I hope I get this right. Here's the one-time grocery purchase for the ingredients I've used.

Grocery List

900g bag of Fusili-type pasta......$1.59
796ml/20oz can of diced tomatoes...$1.30
700ml jar pasta sauce..............$1.59
400g pre-packaged shredded cheese..$7.50
1-head of broccolli................$1.70
1 med/lg carrot....................$0.30
0.4kg boneless pork loin chops.....$4.08


What I Used
1/4 of the Fusili..................$1.02
1/2 can of tomatoes................$0.66
1/3 of the pasta sauce.............$0.53
1/10 of the packaged cheese........$0.75
1/2 of the broccoli................$0.85
1 whole carrot.....................$0.30
1/2 of the pork....................$2.04



1. I put water in my vegetable steamer and set the water to a medium boil.
2. I put enough olive oil to thinly cover bottom of fry pan, set on medium.
3. I cut off the broccoli florets and put aside in a small bowl.
4. I cut the carrot into 3 sort of equal lengths.
5. I cut each length down the middle.
6. I cut the sliced carrot into 1/4" pieces and put aside with broccoli.
7. Slice pork loin chops into strips to suit your taste/mouth.


1. Put veggies into steamer and cover with lid.
2. Put pork into pan, spreading evenly along bottom, cover with lid.
3. Check veggies for desired tenderness/crunchiness ratio.
4. Stir pork occasionally until cooked through.
5. Put cooked veggies aside and cover to keep warm.
6. Top-up veggie water and put on burner on hi.
7. Once pork is done put aside and cover to keep warm.
8. Put diced tomatoes and pasta sauce in pan used for pork, mix well, simmer on med-low.
8. Once veggie water is boiling add pasta and cook for 8 mins.
9. Once pasta is cooked,drain.


1. Divide pasta into equal portions and put on plate.
2. Put still-warm veggies on pasta, spreading them around a bit.
3. Divide pork into equal portions and put on top of veggies.
4. Divide cheese into equal portions and sprinkle top of pork/veggie mixture.

You're done.

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