Friday, March 26, 2010

The Arts Council Is Taking My Writing Seriously

Finally! I'm really glad to say that someone at Tightrope Books recommended my writing for an Ontario Arts Council Writers' Reserve Grant. Cool! It's wonderful that someone in the "business" likes my writing and is taking it seriously. This really feels great.


  1. I too have been recommended by some lovely person at Tightrope Books! I actually just finished writing about how the money is just a bonus but the good feeling actually comes from finally feeling like someone believes in my work.

    Hurray for us!!! ;)

    Adrienne - another well fed writer on a budget

  2. The grant givers are a fickle bunch. I was recommended last year which was great. I could actually afford to eath something other than hot dogs and K-D. However everyone I applied to this year turned me down. Even the people at OAC seemed stymied by this turn of events. Oh well, I have tricks up my sleeve so I don't think I need worry about sparse/simple food and writing at the same time.
