Friday, January 22, 2010

A Request to my Readers

I'm wondering if I can ask my readers for a bit of a favour in the form of some inexpensive, but filling recipe contributions. I've noticed that I have readers in India, the UK, Ukraine, Russia, and primarily Canada. It would be great to get some authentic international cuisine happening here. Here's the criteria for the recipes. They have to be inexpensive, feed at least two people, have some protein, vegetables, carbs - you know, the things that are good for you. Why this criteria? The reason I started posting here in the first place, was that there are other people out there in my situation: financially strapped (poor), have limited cooking resources/utensils (my kitchen is tiny and I have 2 pots, one chef's knife, and assorted cutlery to cook with). So the easier the recipe is to make, and the fewer pots/utensils it uses in preparation the better. Gimme a hand here and let's see what we can do.

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